Saturday, May 8, 2010

Robbie and Chrissy...

Are best friends. This is the story of how they met.
One day, Robbie was a missionary. On his mission, he was known as Elder Unversaw, and he looked kinda like these guys...
Chrissy was in high school. Also, she was not yet a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Therefore, Elder Unversaw (Robbie) and his companion knocked on Chrissy's front door one day, hoping to help her learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Chrissy's family answered, and she met the missionaries for the first time ever in her kitchen. It was a cool time. Chrissy decided to take the lessons that the missionaries offered, so they came back at a later date to teach her the first lesson, The Restoration. Chrissy LOVED it, and she wanted to learn even more. The missionaries kept coming over, until one day Chrissy's mom decided she didn't want them teaching her daughter anymore. Therefore, Chrissy had the missionary discussions outside of her home.
One day, Chrissy decided to get baptized. However, her family members were adamantly against it. So, she had to wait for a bit. Eventually, the Elders got transferred. Chrissy didn't see them for a LONG time. But this time, she had SISTER MISSIONARIES!!! :D The sister missionaries were so fun. After the sister missionaries left, and after much time had passed, the month of June came. In the month of June, Chrissy remembered that Elder Unversaw (Robbie) was getting off his mission! She was SOO excited! She decided that she was going to give him a call a few days after he got home to see how he was doing. One day, when Chrissy was out eating dinner with her family, she got a phone call from a strange number. She recognized it because she had remembered seeing it on Elder Unversaw (Robbie)'s missionary card. Thinking it was him, she ran out of the restaurant and eagerly answered the phone. To her excitement, it was him. Chrissy doesn't like to mention it, but when she had talked to Robbie for the first time after his mission that day at the restaurant, she got an extremely warm feeling inside her, and she noticed a stunning rainbow come out of the clouds as she stood outside watching the Arizona sunset. She still remembers the sight she saw and feeling she got to this very day.

Later that night, Robbie and Chrissy talked on the phone for a very long time. They decided that they wanted to talk again, so they made a phone date. They loved talking on the phone to each other, so they did it all the time.
One day, Robbie decided that he was going to go back to Arizona to visit Chrissy. In July, he did, and it was then that Chrissy realized how much she was in love with Robbie. When he went home, she was very sad.
In August, Chrissy was finally able to get baptized!! It was a magnificent day!
In September, Chrissy decided she was going to go visit Robbie again because she missed him so much.
Then, one day Robbie went to Arizona to visit Chrissy during Thanksgiving. One night, when they were walking around the Mesa Temple, Robbie proposed!! Chrissy was the happiest girl in the world.
Chrissy visited Robbie again in December and in March, and they decided that they were to be married on May 15th, 2010.
Robbie and Chrissy love each other very much, and it is one week from today that they finally get to spend eternity with each other! Hurray for eternal companions!! :D
<3 <3 <3

Friday, May 7, 2010

Soo this is what it's like...

To have a blog!!

Hey guys!! This is Chrissy! This is my first blog ever, so I'm pretty excited. :))
Can't wait to post all my thoughts, ideas, and just cool things that happen on here. It's kind of like my update on life. :)) SOO fun.
I hope you enjoy.